In the 1960s, the US is rocked by a series of high-profile assassinations of civil rights leaders, beginning with the shocking murder of Medgar Evers in his own driveway. To listen to all four episodes of 'The Murder of Medga...
With a family legacy built on lies, racism, and a 'Paradise Lost' mentality, Byron De La Beckwith grows into a young man with offputting manners, a brutal temper, and a violent opposition to desegregation. To listen to all fo...
After his arrest for the murder of Medgar Evers, Byron De La Beckwith is surprisingly cocky for a man facing the death penalty. Then again, Mississippi has never even tried a white man for killing a Black person, so he figure...
Less than a year after Byron De La Beckwith shot Black civil rights leader Medgar Evers in cold blood, he was a free man. But the journey to bring him to justice was only just getting started. To listen to all four episodes o...